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The Advanced Primary Stroke Center

State-Of-The-Art Care

The Advanced Primary Stroke Center at Kent Hospital is committed to providing an evidence-based, state-of-the-art approach to the diagnosis and treatment of stroke and increasing community awareness of the signs and symptoms and emergent nature of a stroke.

Kent Hospital was the second hospital in Rhode Island to receive the Gold Seal of Approval from the Joint Commission as a Certified Advanced Primary Stroke Program in 2008. 

The Advanced Primary Stroke Center at Kent Hospital has earned the Gold Plus Achievement Award by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. Additionally, Kent Hospital’s stroke center received the Target: Stroke Award and the Target: Type 2 Diabetes Award. Kent Hospital applies the most up-to-date, evidence-based treatment guidelines to improve patient care and outcomes. 

Contact Information

Kent Hospital
455 Toll Gate Road
Warwick, RI 02886
P: (401) 737-7010 ext. 31728 or 31879

If you or someone you know has symptoms of Stroke, call 911 immediately.

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What is a Stroke?

A stroke occurs when the brain's blood supply is interrupted. Without oxygen and nutrients from the blood, brain cells start to die rapidly. Left undiagnosed or untreated, it can result in serious and debilitating injury with loss of function or even loss of life. Stroke is a Brain Attack! 

Types of Strokes

  • Hemorrhagic stroke – occurs when a blood vessel in the brain leaks or ruptures, causing bleeding in or around the brain causing damage to brain cells and tissue. Locations can be intracerebral within the brain, subarachnoid, or subdural.
  • Ischemic stroke – happens when blood flow to the brain is interrupted usually by a blood clot, which is the most common type of stroke. Emergency treatment can include a time-limited medication to dissolve the clot, called tissue plasminogen activator, or some patients may be eligible for clot removal, Mechanical Thrombectomy (MT).
  • Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) – is a temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain that causes stroke-like symptoms which resolve. TIA’s are a warning sign that a stroke may be imminent in the future and individuals should seek treatment immediately.
Imaging plays an important role in identifying the type (ischemic or hemorrhagic) and location of the stroke
  • CAT Scan imaging
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Living with a Stroke

People who survive a stroke may suffer serious, long-term disabilities.

Stroke damage can result in paralysis, numbness, imbalance, and difficulty communicating. While there is no way to reverse the effects of stroke, it is possible to regain lost function. Kent's experienced rehabilitation therapists help stroke survivors restore independent and productive lives. 


happy grandfather and child have fun and play in park on beautiful  sunny day

Comprehensive and Integrated Care
for Cerebrovascular Conditions

At Care New England, our team of specialists work together to provide the highest quality care available within an integrated network to support and assist victims and survivors of stroke utilizing the latest diagnostic tools and medications.

We provide various rehabilitation options that include an acute inpatient Rehabilitation Unit, CARF certified Stroke Specialty, and outpatient programs across Care New England.

Stroke Center Resources and Integrated Services

Kent Hospital has assembled a team of experienced clinical professionals who work together under nationally recommended guidelines of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association to coordinate timely interventions, treatments, and rehabilitation. 

  • Dedicated stroke unit providing a team-centered, multidisciplinary approach to the acute inpatient phase with a unique model of care
  • Full resources of the Kent Emergency Department available 24/7
  • A team of clinicians specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke
  • Acute intervention including clot-dissolving medications if appropriate
  • Diagnostic imaging to detect stroke and its complications 24/7
  • Patient-centered focus on stroke detection and management across the entire health care spectrum
  • Case management, including referral and progression to other services
  • Spaulding Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation Center at Kent Hospital
  • Occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and physical therapists specializing in strokes with Spaulding Rehabilitation’s Stroke Specialty Program
  • Spaulding Rehabilitation Outpatient Center at Kent Hospital with locations in East Greenwich, Providence, and Pawtucket
  • VNA of Care New England, offers in-home health care, including the Stroke Aftercare Program, and comprehensive home care services, including rehabilitation services
  • Cardiovascular intervention services
  • Vascular surgery
  • Care New England Pharmacy provides an array of prescription and over-the-counter medications

Recognize stroke symptoms and B.E.F.A.S.T.

  • Balance: Watch for sudden loss of balance.
  • Eyes: Check for sudden vision loss or double vision.
  • Face: Ask the person to smile; is it uneven? Does one side of the face droop?
  • Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
  • Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase, listen for slurring or garbled speech.
  • Time: If you observe any of these signs, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Stroke Support Groups

The Stroke Program at Kent Hospital is pleased to host a monthly stroke support group for stroke survivors and caregivers on the last Wednesday of the month. Each month a new guest speaker will be discussing concerns regarding stroke. All members of the community who have survived a stroke, are at risk of a stroke, or are caregivers for someone who has experienced a stroke, are encouraged to attend.  

For more information please contact Julie Fierro MHA, BSN, RN, or Donna Coppola at (401) 737-7010, ext. 31879/31726, or email JFierro@kentri.org / dmcoppola@carene.org 

Kent Hospital 
455 Toll Gate Road, Warwick, RI 02886
Last Wednesday of each month (except December), 11:30 - 12:30 p.m.
Email dmcoppola@carene.org or call (401) 737-7010, ext. 31879

Meet The Team

Dr. Arshad Iqbal, MD

Medical Director Advanced Primary Stroke Center at Kent Hospital

Learn More About Dr. Iqbal's Philosophy Of Care >>

Julie Fierro

Stroke Program Coordinator, Advanced Primary Stroke Center at Kent Hospital

Donna Coppola, CCS

Administrative Assistant, Advanced Primary Stroke Center at Kent Hospital