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Rehabilitation Services

Stroke Specialty Program

Stroke Specialty Program

Kent Rehabilitation has earned CARF accreditation in the area of stroke specialty. This accreditation values the program's specialty focus on: functional independence, social skills, quality of life, and support services for the patient and family affected by stroke. In order to earn the stroke specialty designation, the rehabilitation program goes through an intensive accreditation survey.

Health promotion and screenings, as well as preventative care and health care delivery, are also integral elements of the rehabilitation department.

Contact Information

Rehabilitation Center at Kent Hospital
455 Toll Gate Rd.
Warwick, RI  02888
P: (401) 736-4658
F: (401) 736-4521

Who Choose Us

A Customized Approach

The Rehabilitation Center at Kent provides a customized approach to each patient, providing interdisciplinary care on the road to stroke recovery. Many of Kent's rehab patients are stroke patients; therefore, the therapists have the experience and knowledge to work with all levels of stroke patients, utilizing various innovative techniques and skills. Specialized equipment includes the Omnicycle, VitalStim for swallowing disorders, and iPad for communication techniques.

Support Group

Kent Acute Rehabilitation Unit is an integral part of the continuum of care for stroke patients. With most critical recovery taking place within the first three months following an acute stroke, the intensive therapy during this time maximizes function and successful outcomes. Following inpatient rehabilitation, many of our stroke patients return for a monthly stroke support group, which becomes integral to ongoing recovery. We seek to establish an ongoing relationship for continued healing and rehabilitation.

Exceptional Outcomes

Our stroke-specific outcomes far exceed the nation and region. We discharge 76 percent of our stroke patients to home, compared to 64 percent in the nation, and only 53 percent in the region returning to home. Kent Rehab's philosophy is to achieve patients' goals, which is to get back home and enjoy life!

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