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Lung Nodule Clinic

Lung Nodule Clinic

Care New England offers a dedicated lung nodule clinic to achieve timely evaluation of patients with lung nodules detected incidentally or through lung cancer screening CT scans. The Clinic team is led by a Board certified pulmonary and critical care medical doctor.

During the office visit a full history will be taken, a risk assessment will be performed along with a physical exam. Pulmonary Function testing, spirometry, and lab work may be ordered. As needed, referrals will be made to other specialties based upon the patient’s preferences, goals of care and the overall clinical picture.

The Lung Nodule Clinic also serves as a referral source for a shared-decision making visit prior to lung cancer screening. Our clinicians will order the initial (baseline) lung cancer screening CT scan and communicate the results to your patient. Expert follow up is provided by one of our pulmonary specialists.

Contact Information

Lung Health, Lung Cancer Screening & Lung Nodule Clinic

1407 South County Trail
Building 4, Suite 430A
East Greenwich, RI 02818

P: (401) 886-7910

F: (401) 886-7913

New patient appointments are available within 2-4 weeks, or sooner for patients with high-risk pulmonary nodules.

To refer a patient please call (401) 886-7910 or download and fill out this form and fax it to: (401) 886-7913

Multidisciplinary Lung Care Team

At Care New England we recognize the value of a multidisciplinary approach to management of complex patient cases.

Our multidisciplinary team consists of specialists in the following disciplines:
  • Pulmonologists
  • Thoracic Surgeons
  • Radiologists
  • Interventional Radiologists
  • Oncologists
  • Radiation Oncologists
  • Pathologists
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Nurse Navigator
A Nurse Navigator is available to provide the following services:
  • Act as a resource for referring providers
  • Triage patients to expedite urgent referrals
  • Serve as a resource and advocate for the patient
  • Assess patient eligibility for lung cancer screening
  • Identify and mitigate barriers to care
  • Provide individualized support and guidance from referral and throughout the surveillance and diagnostic process
  • Coordinate care, streamline and accelerate appointments
  • Provide smoking cessation counseling, enroll patients in Quitworks

Refer a patient for shared decision-making visit for lung cancer screening or for a consult with a pulmonary specialist

Call (401) 886-7910

Thoracic Tumor Board

The multidisciplinary lung care team meets regularly to review patient cases, images, diagnostic studies, biopsy results and other pertinent data. This collaborative approach to patient care yields a tailored recommendation based upon the unique circumstances of each patient, utilizing the latest current research and evidence based practices.

Male doctor looking an x-ray  with a patient


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