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Cancer Survivorship

Cancer Survivorship

Your cancer treatment team want you know, there is hope!

Life after cancer treatment may be different, but is still an important part of your care. We have specialists available to help you adjust and prepare for survivorship at its best. Before, during and especially after treatment, your team will help you identify and address any new issues.

The first step is often a Survivorship Visit with our advance practice provider, who will meet with you to summarize your treatment and provide expectations for your care going forward. This is a one-time visit that will serve as a capstone at the end of your primary cancer therapy, and detail your doctors’ plans for prevention and surveillance going forward in order to prevent or detect recurrence as early as possible. It’s also a time to reflect on your experience and address any remaining physical, emotional or mental health effects from your cancer. Many people feel motivated during this time to make positive changes to their health habits at this time and Care New England provides several services to aid those interested in making those changes.

Contact Information

The Cancer Program
Kent Hospital
455 Toll Gate Road
Warwick, RI 02886
P: (401) 736-1988

For more information on the breast cancer survivorship services, call The Breast Health Center at (401) 736-3737.

Services Available:

  • Genetic counseling and testing
  • Nutritional and dietary consultations
  • Lymphedema assessment and treatment
  • Survivorship sexual health assessment and treatment
  • Oncologic reproductive and infertility services
  • Physical therapy
  • Social services
  • Financial support services
  • Breast Cancer Support groups
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage
  • Mind-Body Techniques
  • Reflexology
  • Reiki
Who should be referred to the Survivorship Program?

Anyone who is undergoing cancer treatment, has recently completed cancer treatment, or who is living with unresolved problems from cancer treatment such as musculoskeletal pain, decreased endurance and strength, balance problems, fatigue, etc.