Methanol, found in rocket fuel,

is also in cigarette smoke.

Stop living behind a smoke screen.

Who Qualifies for a Lung Cancer Screening?

You may qualify for a screening if you:
  • Are 50 - 80 years old 
  • Have a history of heavy smoking
  • Are currently smoking or stopped within the past 15 years
What Happens During a Screening?
During a lung cancer screening, you'll lie on a table as the CT scanner takes pictures of your lungs using safe, low-dose radiation. After, a radiologist will review the images, and a report will be sent to your provider within 24 hours.
How Often Should You Be Screened?
It is recommended that qualifying patients be screened once a year. Patients can stop screening once they have not smoked for 15 years, or they have a health problem that limits life expectancy or ability to have lung surgery.

Medicare and many insurers cover screening costs—check with your insurer for details.




Call us at  (401) 355-8635 to see if you’re eligible for a lung cancer screening