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Care New England Library Services

Care New England offers a wide selection of electronic evidence-based resources and library services that are available to all CNE Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health staff, Residents, students on rotation at each hospital. 

Contact Information

Monday thru Friday 8-4:30

To access online resources and view a full list of publications, visit the “Libraries” page on Care Net: http://carenet/carenet/libraries/index.cfm 

For assistance, please contact CNE Librarian at ADyer@Wihri.org or (401) 274-1122 ext. 42338 

Library Services

Point of Care
  • Lippincott Nursing Procedures and Skills
  • Lippincott Nursing Advisor
  • Up To Date and off-site access 
  • Hale's Medications & Mothers Milk
  • LactMed
  • Nutrition Care Manual
  • MicromedexNeoFax/Pediatrics/Trissel's IV
Research Databases
  • EBSCOhost - CINAHL, Medline,PsychArticles 
  • OVID -Emcare, OVID Medline, OVID Nursing Database 
  • PsychOnline
  • PubMed
  • Journals and Books
  • LibGuides
  • Library Catalog
  • New England Journal of Medicine
  • Obstetric Triage and Emergency Care Protocols
  • Red Book Online
  • R2 Library Ebooks 
  • STAT! Ref Ebooks 
Our Health Sciences Librarian can assist you with:
  • Interlibrary loans for books and articles
  • Access to online resources
  • Literature searches
  • Individual instruction on database searching
  • Access to computer, copier, fax, scanner